We all age. There is a natural order of the body mechanics that breaks down and creates the “aging process ” but it does not mean that we have to GET OLD and buy in to all the myths our society tells us about aging:  Your over the hill after 40. Oh,I can’t ski anymore,I’m too old. I’m too old to go back to school, it’s too late for me to learn French. After 50 I just don’t have the energy. My metabolism is just not the same…..I can’t seem to get the extra pounds off
What else? What is your excuse,if you have one?
Why is it that some people defy the aging process and look great,feel good and are filled with vitally,and others are sluggish,slow,overweight,have no more zest for life and just quietly fall in to their OLD AGE WAY OF LIFE?
Why do some people morph in to a creature that is unrecogniable when they get older…..? I see them every day walking down the street: shoulders rounded forward creating the hump in the back,20 to 30 pounds over weight,short awkward strides in their gait due to lack of strength and flexibility in their muscles,belly fat hanging over their belt,difficult to breathe and on and on we go slowly fading in to black….

They do this because they think that they do not have a choice but THEY DO. How you think about aging is how you will age.
It is NOT necessary and definitely does not have to be the status quo.
Aging is a process,NOT a way of life!
I have a yoga teacher who is 86 years old. What has she got that others don’t? Nothing. We all are made up of the same matter and we can  either turn our life and our will over to getting older or we reverse the aging process,slow it down with diet, exercise and how you THINK about aging.

Don’t focus on the number. Focus on your LIFE! . Enjoy  a long healthy happy vital fun filled life way past 80.
I will be teaching yoga whan I am 100 years old. I will learn a new langiage. I will learn to play a musical instrument. I will always have a beginners mind and open myself to a brand new exciting world every day.

Be ageless,timeless…..eternal……..

Get your yogini on!



This Yogini Super Spinach Salad is awesome and so healthy and packed with protein! All you need for healthy happy mind,body and spirit.
It’s very easy to make and inexpensive.
Here is the recipe:

One package of organic spinach.
One ripe avocado.
A package of chicken-less strips
Organic Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Brown rice already made
A can of organic black beans

Heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil in a skillet. When warm place the chicken-less strips in the oil and let saute for a few minutes on each side.
Get a big bowl. Put spinach in bowl.
Cut up avocado and put in bowl with spinach,
Add balsamic vinegar and toss together.
Take the warm chicken-less strips and olive oil and pour on spinach.
Add a bit of salt ( if desired )
Take a few scoops of brown rice and put on top of spinach with a couple scoops of black beans

There you have it! A super Yogini Spinach Salad!

Get your yogini on!



Hello my friends! I have not blogged in a very long time…..please excuse me……it is because I have been STUCK IN GROUNDHOG DAY and now I am unstuck,well,I still have a ways to go but I understand the reason I have to go through what I am going through to create change to get out of my own personal GROUNDHOG DAY.! I have survived the ordeal and am a changed person because of it…..sometimes we have to go through the most difficult challenges,the most painful,emotional,physical,spiritual and or financial situations ( or all of the them ) which is what I have been going through, to kick start ourselves in to changing our ways and thusly our life. Our world changes and a whole new beautiful,bountiful world comes in to play…….just like in the movie: GOUNDHOG DAY……
If you have not seen it,please check it out,it has such a great message,especially if you are stuck in a life that you are NOT HAPPY with! Stuck in patterns that do not serve you and the people around you. Stuck in the sameness of every day and slowly all passion and color are gone from your world and you live in a mundane depressed state and every day is GROUNDHOG DAY,your own personal GROUNDHOG DAY…….
Just like me!
I have been stuck for years in my life with patterns that do not serve me,actually harm me: EXAMPLE: I have abundance,every thing is working out and then I have NOTHING! It’s up and down and all around and I cannot stand IT! Completely out-of-balance. Extreme circunstances that I create with my old operting system ( old ideas of myself and the world around me and the people in it ).
It’s the same thing day in and day out! It’s GROUNDHOG DAY!
In the movie Bill Murray plays Phil Connors an arrogant and egocentric Pittsburgh TV weatherman who is just a vile human being and no one likes him and he really doesn’t like his life or anyone in it. Consequently, he gets stuck in the same day over and over again until he changes the patterns in  how he treats others, and he begins to love life and all that are in it! When he changes,he becomes FREE of the same day over and over. He gets out of GROUNDHOG DAY , his own personal Hell,and in to the wonder of love for the people in his life and the world around him……
It is just another example that when we change ourselves and share that change with the world and all the people in it,EVERYTHING CHANGES and everything is new again………



SMOKE. I used to drink. I used to smoke and drink at the same time. I used to shop too much. I used to eat meat. I used to eat junk food. I used to drink SOFT DRINKS. I used to exercise too much.  I used to party too much. I used to be really stressed out. I used to be unhappy. I used to feel afraid. I used to  take ambian to put myself to sleep. I used to be unconscious and in pain,emotional pain,spiritual pain,feeling disconnected with myself and the people around me.
For along time I didn’t even know I was in pain because I was so numbed out from all the things ” I used to do” and I would remain disconnected
and unconscious for along time. Then I FINALLY just got so tired of my life not working out,: jobs ending,relationships ending,having no purpose, I was just a toxic waste land searching for the light and I was willing to try anything ( I had gone to therapy for years and that did not work,for me) and a friend of mine told me about a meditation workshop that was going to begin and I signed up!   It was taught by  Siri Sat Nam and thus began my inner journey and my entire life changed.

I began to study meditation and then I was introduced to yoga and I knew,deep in my soul,that I had finally found my purpose and life’s work: to teach yoga/meditation and help bring wellness to the world.

When I began yoga and meditation all my ” I USE TO” list went away. My bad habits were swallowed up by the stillness of the practice……GOD is so much more powerful than we are… the stillness is where God lives and when we meditate and yoga ,we live there too……..

What bad habits are you a slave to? What bad habits are holding you back?

What is your list of things that get in the way of your life really being fulfilled and you being truly happy? Make the bad habits go away and make them: I USEd TO…………..




You to yourself. To God and to your fellow humans………
Get connected. Be Conscious. Be Empowered……..
Yoga more. Meditate more. Love more. Be more……

” Spiritual practices that involve the physical body, such as t’ai chi, quigong, and YOGA, are also increasingly being embraced in the Western world. These practices do not create a separation between body and spirit and are helpful in weakening the pain-body ( old thoughts and ideas). They will play an important role in the global awakening.” Eckhart Tolle



” There is only one thing that makes a DREAM IMPOSSIBLE to achieve: the fear of failure.”

To dream … the impossible dream …
To fight … the unbeatable foe …
To bear … with unbearable sorrow …
To run … where the brave dare not go …
To right … the unrightable wrong …
To love … pure and chaste from afar …
To try … when your arms are too weary …
To reach … the unreachable star …

This is my quest, to follow that star …
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far …
To fight for the right, without question or pause …
To be willing to march into Hell, for a Heavenly cause …

And I know if I’ll only be true, to this glorious quest,
That my heart will lie will lie peaceful and calm,
when I’m laid to my rest …
And the world will be better for this:
That one man, scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,
To reach … the unreachable star …

Begin now……..



When you empty yourself and let the universe come into you. Then ALL things are possible because you are guided by the power of the universe,NOT by the weak and fragile ego.
Stop. Get Quiet. Get still. Listen to the voice within you.It’s all inside of you……..
Get empowered. Be amazing.



You can be strong but NOT flexible. You can be flexible but NOT strong. You can have balance but NOT be flexible. You can be strong but NOT have balance. Which one are you?
To have full body conditioning all 3 components must be present: STRENGTH. BALANCE AND FLEXIBILITY .
YOGA offers you all three components.

We want to be strong,balanced and flexible in our mind, just as we are in our body.To do that, begin a meditation practice,or find a yoga practice that brings in meditation and you have covered all aspects to a complete wellness program for your beautiful self….honor yourself. You are holy and filled with great power. Tap into that power and you will be unstoppable,in mind and and body



Get empowered! Get healthy from the Inside out from what you drink to what you think and how you walk through the world…….

The Yogini Mountain Pose Power Protein Shake It Up Shake is so darn good and it’s easy to make and gives you a lift of energy all morning until the afternoon. Or make it at night and have “it” for dinner. Whenever and wherever, get your source of protein, and HEMP protein is definitely one of the best ways to do that. So shake it up and get your yogini on and drink up! CHEERS!

1. Hemp Protein
2. Peanut Butter ( organic )
3. 1 Banana
$. Soy Milk ( plain or vanilla )

Put all ingredients in a blender.
One cup soy milk
One Banana
A heaping tablespoon of peanut butter
4 tablespoons of hemp protein powder
A couple of ice cubes ( your choice )
Blend in the blender and there you have it! Super power in a super protein shake.

Be healthy and honor your body from the Inside out.